Why Magnesium?



Magnesium is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. The reason why Sattva Rasa makes topical magnesium products is because transdermal Magnesium is proven to be a more effective application method above supplementation. This is because it bypasses the digestive tract, therefore increasing absorption. Taking transdermal magnesium products has changed my life, and I wanted to share this knowledge in the most beautiful way I could.

Magnesium’s benefits can also include reduced symptoms from chronic back pain, fatigue, insomnia, or other metabolic conditions that will increase energy levels throughout the entire day.

Neurological symptoms it’s known to help with include anxiety, lethargy, chronic headaches or migraines, while muscular symptoms may present as general weakness, muscle spasms, or impaired coordination.

Magnesium calms the nervous system and reduces the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The result is less anxiety, less cortisol, and a better capacity to cope with stress.

Magnesium deficiency can affect several of the body’s systems, yet many are unaware of the role it plays in optimal health. Long term studies on the impact of high magnesium and fiber diets have shown potential benefits toward cardiovascular health, insulin resistance, and hypertension, as well as chronic symptoms of the muscular and neurological systems.

“Magnesium chloride is a versatile medicine we can all put in our medicine cabinets. It boosts almost all aspects of cell physiology and can be used orally, intravenously, and topically as a magnesium oil spray. Magnesium chloride treatments address systemic nutritional deficiencies, act to improve the function of our cells and immune system, and help protect cells from oxidative damage. It’s a systemic medicine as well as a local one bringing new life and energy to the cells wherever it is applied topically.”


Magnesium is also necessary for the enzymes that manage DNA repair and replication. Without the mineral, the skin would also be subject to a variety of harmful free radical damage and inflammation that would ultimately lead to wrinkling and skin damage.

Magnesium helps to support your adrenal system and function. Your kidneys release magnesium when cortisol is present in released in to your system, suppressing the effects of the hormone. By increasing your magnesium intake by supplementation, your body is better able to manage anxiety and stress, ultimately helping to clear your skin of acne.


Magnesium plays a huge part in overall bodily regulation, and especially, hormonal regulation. It has been studied and published for being a crucial element in preventing and treating gynecological issues in women.

By supporting the COMT enzyme (catechol-o-methyltransferase) in the liver, magnesium promotes the healthy excretion of estrogen. This may reduce the risk of the estrogen excess conditions (such as fibroids or PCOS) associated with low COMT function.

Using our magnesium spray or créme on your lower abdomen and/or lower back has been known to help with menstrual cramping.


During pregnancy, the recommended intake for Magnesium increases. Our magnesium products are safe to take during pregnancy. Not only that, they can help with various pregnancy pains and complications (e.g. restless legs, leg cramps, muscle pains and aches)


Using magnesium products during your sacred window time helps contribute to replenishing your magnesium stores, as an influx has been released during labor. Magnesium has been known to help hormone balancing, and reduces the incidence of uterine contractions (after-pains).

Baby Benefits: 

A common fear among new mama’s is SIDS. 

Magnesium deficiency has been implicated in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), which has features in common with sudden cardiac death of adults and may be prevented by giving adequate magnesium to the mother and child. . . . Researchers feel that it is likely that a high proportion of SIDS deaths could be prevented by simple . . . magnesium supplementation (The Magnesium Miracle, p. 144).

Magnesium can be an irreplaceable calming element for both you and your baby, and contribute to his/her gentle rest cycles (which in turn benefit yours as well.) It can also help with proper digestion and bowel movements for your newborn.